Influential technology

Technologies that have had a positive, lasting impact on me as a developer.

  • 2024: gcc/clang from source, C++ modules, constexpr cmath, Dev Containers, Codespaces, ChatGPT voice, -Wnrvo
  • 2023: Google Benchmark, Haskell, ChatGPT, AVX, Copilot, OpenSCAD
  • 2022: SIP, GitBook, Compiler Explorer (on prem), GitLab (on prem), GitLab service desk, git worktrees, FIX, constexpr (for UB), GoogleTest, VS Code web IDE
  • 2021: std::format, TMP, C++20 ranges and views (lazy evaluation)
  • 2020: Blender, Media servers, ZeroMQ, Tracy profiler, Raspberry Pi
  • 2019: Cloud computing, R/notebooks, GitLab, Hugo
  • 2018: Docker
  • 2017: Cryptocurrency, blockchain
  • 2016: C++1z
  • 2015: git, GitHub

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