Duff's device

I wouldn't recommend doing this under normal circumstances as you should expect the compiler to do it but it still makes for alarming interesting reading.

#include <cassert>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <cstddef>

int main() {

  // Create a container of data to copy
  std::vector<int> to(1000);
  std::iota(std::rbegin(to), std::rend(to), 0);

  // Initialise a container to copy into
  std::vector<int> from(to.size());

  // Create pointers to the beginning of the contiguous data (because vector)
  auto t = to.data(), f = from.data();

  // Calculate number of unrolled loops
  size_t n = (from.size() + 7) / 8;

  // Unroll that loop
  switch (from.size() % 8) {
  case 0:
    do {
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 7:
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 6:
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 5:
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 4:
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 3:
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 2:
      *t++ = *f++;
    case 1:
      *t++ = *f++;
    } while (--n > 0);

  // Check they're identical
  assert(to == from && "Containers not identical");



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